Exploring the importance of testing in SDLC: How does STLC enhance technology reliability?

Pierre Kanoha
3 min readMay 24, 2024


This systematic integration enables AYOKAI to carry out tests at every stage of development, optimizing the performance and quality of our solutions. Thanks to these rigorous tests, we guarantee impeccable functionality and reinforce end-user confidence.

What is the SDLC (Software Development Life Cycle)?

The different phases of the SDLC :




What is STLC (Software Testing Life Cycle)?

Definition of test objectives and strategies.

Detailed creation of test cases based on requirements.

Configuration of the environment required to run the tests.

Perform tests and document results.

Evaluate test data and conclude test activities.

STLC phases and their correspondence with SDLC

Test planning: Synchronization with SDLC planning

As early as the SDLC planning phase, testing is considered. This crucial step defines test objectives, resource requirements and schedule, aligned with overall project goals. This ensures that planned tests cover all critical aspects of development from the outset.

Test case design: Integration during SDLC design

Preparing the test environment: Set up during the SDLC development phase

Test execution: Alignment with the SDLC test phase

This is the heart of the action in the SDLC. Designed tests are executed to validate the software’s functionality, security and performance. This phase is essential for identifying bugs and deficiencies before the software moves on to the deployment phase.

Test closure: Alignment with SDLC deployment phase

Exploring the different types of testing in STLC

Each type of test in the STLC plays a specific and essential role in ensuring the quality and reliability of software at different stages of its development. Here’s a detailed overview of each type of test:

How AYOKAI optimizes software development with STLC?

Chanel project: Optimizing a mobile application

Oddo-BHF project: international quality assurance


Mastering the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) and the Software Testing Life Cycle (STLC) is essential for any developer or company wishing to produce high-quality software. At AYOKAI, we rigorously integrate STLC into every phase of the SDLC, enabling us not only to meet technical requirements, but also to ensure the reliability and performance of our software solutions. Our projects with Chanel and Oddo-BHF illustrate how the practical application of these cycles contributes to continuous improvement and customer satisfaction.

By recognizing the importance of each test phase and applying it systematically, we can prevent problems before they occur, thereby reducing costs and increasing efficiency. This demonstrates that testing is not a final step, but an essential integrated component throughout software development.

Contact AYOKAI for a collaboration or to find out how our methods can optimize your development projects. We’re ready to help you make your software initiatives a success.

Originally published at https://ayokai.com on May 24, 2024.



Pierre Kanoha

CEO | @ayokai_it QAManager | QA evangelist 💻 ISTQB Agile Engineer Java, JS, TS 💪🏾 Entrepreneur